Two women and a little girl playing in a room full of moving boxes.


A to do list for moving will help ease the transition, making it less stressful and chaotic.

搬到一个新城市? 穿过市区? 就在拐角处? 移动 is an exciting time, but can also be stressful and chaotic. Creating a to-do list can help manage the seemingly never-ending list of things to do.



A 家里的库存 is a list of your possessions that will help if anything is lost, stolen or broken during the move. Be sure to take photos of high-value or hard-to-replace items as you box them up.


给你的盒子贴上你的标签 打包你的东西 will not only help as you unpack, but also might help make sure you don't leave anything behind.


T在这里 are pros and cons to hiring a moving company versus doing it yourself. 无论你选择哪个选项, ask your insurance 代理 whether your possessions are covered while in transit. 如果你雇了搬家公司, get estimates in writing and ask for references as well as proof of insurance. The estimates should detail extras, including mileage and special costs. In addition, you may need supplemental insurance as a safeguard against damage.


当你计划搬家时, 重新评估你的预算 for any cost-of-living adjustments, including transportation, food and housing. 研究 average costs in your new location so you can have a realistic picture of your new budget and any lifestyle changes you may need to make.


如果涉及到搬家公司, 他们可能会给你提供某种pp王者电子官网, 但覆盖范围可能会有所不同. If you are moving yourself, your existing 首页owners or auto insurance offers limited coverage. 问代理人 if 移动pp王者电子官网 是适合你的.


学习了什么之后 水电费由房东负责, contact the other utility companies and arrange for your services to be activated.


各州有不同的 首页 or 租赁pp王者电子官网 覆盖的需求, 所以无论你搬到一个新城市还是在全国各地, 联系pp王者电子官网代理人来检查你的房主或 租房者报道. In addition, keep in mind that your insurance needs might change when you move. 这是一个考虑的好时机 检查你的pp王者电子官网需求.


联系 the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) — whether or not you move to a new state — to update your address information, 许可证和 登记,如适用. 同时, 联系你的pp王者电子官网代理人 让他们知道你的新地址. 如果你要搬到一个新的州,要注意这一点, you might have different auto insurance requirements and liability limits.


状态s have different requirements to get a driver's license. If you relocate to a new state, check with the state DMV to find out what you need to do. 即使你在同一个州, 联系车管所 in a timely manner — within 10 to 30 days of moving in some states — to update your address. 即使是州内迁移也需要改变 选民登记. Check with your state's DMV or secretary of state to find out the necessary requirements.


如果你的金融机构是全国性的连锁机构, find out whether branches are conveniently located near your new 首页. 如果不是, research new banks w在这里 you can open a new checking and savings account and learn what documents you need to open up accounts.


花点时间找出公园在哪里, 杂货店, public libraries and other places of your interest are located. 你对新城市了解得越多, 当你真正移动的时候,你会感觉越舒服. You can also contact the local police to learn about safety and other tips from the local authorities about your new surroundings.


One challenge of moving to a new city is meeting new people. A good way to connect with people while doing something good for your community is by 志愿服务. This will also give you the chance to know some of the dynamics of the city you will call 首页.


你会想在你的新地方买pp王者电子官网. 你可联络 国营农场® 代理 讨论你所有的pp王者电子官网需求.

发现更多的 移动的技巧 以及如何 保持你的租金.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 国营农场® (including 国营农场 Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 国营农场 makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



Tips for selecting a rental storage unit, packing personal possessions and insurance for storage.

移动? 别忘了对pp王者电子官网也做些调整

Find out if you just transfer insurance to the new address or if you need new coverage.


Before jumping into a 首页 or apartment project, weigh the pros and cons of a DIY approach vs. 雇佣专业人士.

怎样才能成为一个好房客? 保持你的租赁财产处于最佳状态

Taking care of your rental might allow for rent negotiations and more favorable terms of the lease.