



Your dog is your responsibility. 这意味着如果它咬了人,你可能要对损害负责. Even if you think your dog is friendly, you should understand the risks of dog bites 以及预防这些疾病的方法. 在适当的情况下, any dog might bite, regardless of breed. 如果狗造成伤害,大多数州都要求宠物主人承担责任. 例如, if your dog scratches or trips someone, 你可能要对狗狗造成的任何伤害或财产损失负责. This can be costly for pet owners. 仅状态 Farm®就在2023年为3530起狗咬伤索赔支付了2.05亿美元.


In honor of National Dog Bite Prevention week (April 7-13), 以下是一些可能有助于降低被狗咬伤风险的方法:

  • 给宠物做绝育手术. This procedure may help reduce your dog's aggressive behaviors. 咨询你的兽医,在合适的时间为你的狗做绝育手术.
  • 早期社交. 尽早把你的小狗介绍给不同的环境和人. Early socialization makes for a more relaxed adult dog. 但要注意社交过程中的压力迹象,因为这是攻击的主要原因.
  • 当你带回家一条新狗的时候, help them adjust to their new environment and give them time to adapt to their surroundings. 耐心是关键!
  • 聘请专业人士. If your dog displays aggressive behavior or is reactive, 驯兽师也许能够控制这个问题,帮助动物克服压力.
  • 了解你的狗的压力源. 注意你的狗狗的肢体语言,了解它们什么时候有压力,以帮助避免紧张的情况,并帮助防止可能的狗咬伤. 例如,如果你的狗对孩子咆哮,让狗和孩子分开.
  • 定期遛狗. 这将保持你的宠物身心健康,并提供刺激.
  • 使用 右皮带或挽具 遛狗. Even if your dog is perfectly well-behaved without a leash, other dogs may react aggressively to an unleashed dog.
  • 定期看兽医. A sick or injured dog is more likely to bite.
  • 时刻保持警惕. 如果有人靠近你,让他们等一下再抚摸狗. This might allow your dog to get comfortable with the new person.
  • If you see a dog who seems threatening, 避免眼神接触,保持冷静,不要跑(这只会鼓励他们追你). 相反,慢慢后退.
  • If a dog is eating, sleeping or taking care of their puppies, 别打扰他们.
  • 在你抚摸狗之前, 让他们闻闻你. If they seem amenable to more contact, scratch them under their chin instead of the top of their head.
  • If you see a dog who is acting strange or appears to be a stray, call your local animal control.
  • When playing, avoid touching your dog's mouth or head. 教他们一个命令,比如“不”!“为了帮助他们停止攻击性的玩耍,当他们听的时候,给他们一些奖励.


Children are the most common victims of dog bites, 因此,应该采取额外的措施来教狗和孩子如何安全地相互接触.

  • Never leave children alone around any dog, 即使是你信任的人. 如果你不能监督你的狗,把它们放在一个板条箱里或一个指定的无儿童空间.
  • Just like dogs, kids need training 他们应该如何表现. Children are much more unpredictable and loud compared to adults, which can make even the best-behaved dog fearful or aggressive. 当有狗在场时,孩子应该表现得冷静和尊重,可能需要不时提醒. That’s why adult supervision is so important!
  • Teach your child about boundaries. 例如,当狗吃东西、睡觉或离开时,应该让它独处. 狗狗需要独处的时间,它们的私人空间在任何时候都应该得到尊重, so never pull on a dog’s ears or tail.
  • Encourage your child to use their inside voice 当有狗在场时. 避免大声喊叫或尖叫,因为突然发出的声音会吓到狗.
  • Keep running to a minimum and don’t let your child chase a dog. Herding dogs especially are more prone to chasing, barking and nipping at a child who’s running around the house.
  • Let dogs approach your child first and on their own terms, especially if the dog is unfamiliar. 这可能很难接受,但有些狗就是不喜欢孩子们的陪伴,这没关系! Never force interactions between your child and a dog.
  • 奖励你的狗 with things like treats or toys when in the presence of children. 随着时间的推移,这将有助于你的狗与孩子形成积极的联系.
  • If your dog is apprehensive around kids, try to socialize and desensitize your dog to their trigger. 为了安全起见,带你的狗去儿童公园,从远处观察. Pair this with some yummy treats, 你可以越来越近,直到你的狗很高兴与他们互动.
  • Teach your child to ask permission before petting a dog. Modeling this behavior can help reinforce this habit. 否则,他们可能会在你不在的时候冲动地去抚摸陌生人的狗.

What to do if your dog bites someone

If your dog bites someone, follow these steps:

  1. Control the dog and separate it from the victim.
  2. Seek medical attention for the victim if necessary. 鼓励受害者询问医生是否需要注射破伤风疫苗或抗生素, and make sure they know about any underlying health conditions.
  3. Exchange contact information with the victim.
  4. Decide who will contact animal control and the police.
  5. Provide the victim with proof of your dog's rabies vaccination.
  6. Follow all stipulated protocols provided by a doctor, 警察或动物管制, such as quarantining your dog and seeing a dog behaviorist.

And remember, your dog is an integral member of the family. Don't forget to insure them like family. 了解 pet insurance to help protect your dog 面对意外.

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What kind of leash, collar or harness is right for my dog?

了解 the common types of dog leashes, 项圈和挽具,帮助您的家人为您最好的朋友找到合适的.

How to calm a dog or cat during a storm

雷暴和恶劣天气是宠物焦虑的常见诱因. But by taking proactive steps in pet preparedness, 学习如何在雷雨中安抚你的狗或猫, you can help soothe their storm anxiety.

Tips for pet safety at home and in the car


What to expect in the first 3 months after adopting a new dog

和新收养的狗狗在一起的头三个月充满了惊喜, 但是你可以灵活一些,遵循3-3-3规则.