

户外运动可能会造成伤害. 学习蹦床安全及更多更安全的玩法.

Kids love to play and explore, and one of the best places to do that is their own backyard.

不幸的是, 每年, injuries from home playground equipment and trampolines result in thousands of emergency room visits. So t在这里's no time like the present for some tips for safer play.


Here are some of the basic safety guidelines that the Consumer Product 安全 Commission recommends in their 家庭游乐场安全贴士:

  • 正确安装游乐场设备. 始终按照制造商的说明. If you need help, you may want to contact a professional installer.
  • 避免使用经过压力处理的木材. Although most manufacturers of outdoor equipment quit using this material in 2004, make sure your backyard playground equipment doesn't contain pressure-treated wood. It's treated with pesticide/preservatives called chromated copper arsenate (CCA). 在压力处理过的木材中接触砷 会增加某些类型的风险吗 癌症.
  • 检查是否有突出的硬件.  Hooks, protruding bolt ends, and any sharp points or edges can be hazardous. 确保它们被移除或适当地覆盖.
  • 安装并维护减震表面. The play area should be at least 6 feet in all directions beyond any play equipment. 根据设备的高度, 操场表面 should have at least 12 inches of double shredded bark mulch, wood chips, fine sand or gravel. Replenish the base 每年 as they can lose much of their material or become compacted during the winter.
  • 消除绊倒危险. 具体的立足点, 树桩, rocks and other exposed hazards can be dangerous to children running around the playground.
  • 检查一下有没有可能困住孩子的地方. Openings in guardrails or between ladder rungs should measure less than 3.5英寸或大于9英寸. 孩子们可能会被困在这些地方.
  • 确保平台、人行道和坡道有护栏. These are common areas w在这里 children fall, so make sure they are installed.
  • 检查滑梯和平台高度. They should be no higher than 6 feet for school-age children, or 4 feet for pre-school age children.
  • Never attach ropes, jump ropes, clotheslines or pet leashes. 这是非常危险的,会导致窒息.
  • 定期检查游乐设备. Make sure all supports are solid and the surfacing is in good condition.
  • 随时监督孩子. An adult should monitor play to make sure children are safe.


As much fun as it is, jumping on trampolines can be very risky for both children and adults. 菌株, 扭伤, fractures and other injuries — such as serious neck and head injuries — can result from falling off a trampoline or using it incorrectly.

The risk of injury is so great the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says that trampolines should never be used at home or in outdoor playgrounds. 但如果你不顾风险选择买蹦床, 他们从他们的 儿童和青少年蹦床安全 手册(pdf):

  • 一次只能有一个人跳. Having multiple people on a trampoline at the same time can lead to injury.
  • 告诉孩子不要尝试翻筋斗和空翻. These are among the most common causes of permanent, devastating cervical spine injuries.
  • 成年人必须提供持续的、积极的监督. They should never let children use a trampoline alone and they should be willing to enforce all safety guidelines.
  • 房主应该检查他们的pp王者电子官网政策. Verify that your insurance policies cover trampoline-related claims.
  • 蹦床应该有足够的保护垫. 它应处于良好状态,并妥善放置.
  • 设置在地面. 蹦床应尽可能设置在地面上, or on a level surface and in an area cleared of any surrounding hazards.
  • Inspect protective padding, net enclosure and any other damaged parts. 这些应经常检查,并在需要时更换.
  • 如果蹦床损坏无法修复,请将其丢弃. 如果没有可更换的部件,也要处理.

Playing in the backyard creates some of the best memories a child can have. Make sure your family stays safe by installing and maintaining your backyard equipment properly and that children are supervised at all times.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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