Veterinarian checking a dog’s dental health during an exam.


Veterinarian checking a dog’s dental health during an exam.

Consider this guide to help take care of your dog or cat’s dental health.

Did you know February is National Pet Dental 健康 Month? 虽然定期兽医检查和接种疫苗的重要性是众所周知的, pet dental care is an aspect that often takes a backseat. As 负责任的宠物主人我们的工作是关心他们的整体健康,包括他们的牙齿健康.

健康y teeth and gums are essential to your pet’s overall health. 几乎 90% of pets over the age of 3 have some form of periodontal disease, and poor dental health can lead to a range of issues, 防止口臭和牙齿脱落, to more severe problems like heart and kidney disease. So how can you help keep your cat or dog’s teeth clean and healthy? 考虑以下8个宠物牙齿护理技巧!

8 essential dog and cat dental care tips

1. Talk with your veterinarian about pet dental care

每个宠物都不一样, 所以你的兽医可以提供个性化的指导,告诉你如何在检查之间保持宠物的口腔健康. Depending on whether your pet receives regular brushing, 除了定期的牙科检查外,他们可能会建议每年进行一次或两次专业的清洁.

小型犬种 and cats are more likely to develop dental problems. If your pet is at a higher risk for dental disease, your veterinarian may recommend more frequent cleanings and exams, as well as additional preventive measures.

2. Know the signs of pet dental problems

牙周疾病也被称为牙龈疾病,通常是由细菌和牙菌斑堆积引起的. 随着病情的发展, the gums and underlying bone that support the teeth begin to rot and decay, 最终导致牙齿脱落. 在严重情况下, periodontal disease can infect other areas of your pet’s body, including vital organs like their heart, 肾和肝.

不幸的是, 牙周病不容易被肉眼看到,因为它起源于并存在于牙龈线下. 当牙周病有明显迹象时,可能已经有严重的损害了. 如果你发现了以下任何迹象, don’t wait to schedule a dental appointment with your veterinarian:

  • 口臭(口臭)
  • 咀嚼困难
  • 口水过多
  • Swollen, red, bleeding or receding gums
  • 牙齿松动或变色
  • 饮食和咀嚼习惯的改变
  • 血腥的唾液

Bad breath is one of the most common signs of dental disease, 但是你宠物的胃, liver or kidney could also be the culprit. 如果你的宠物总是口臭,给你的兽医打电话.

3. Start at-home dental care early (but not too early)

The sooner you introduce at-home dental care to your pet, the better! 一旦你的宠物长出了完整的恒牙,你就可以放心地开始刷牙了, which usually happens by the time they’re 6 months old.

It’s never too late to start prioritizing your pet’s oral health, 但是早点开始可以帮助你和你的宠物更顺利地完成这个过程.

4. Learn how to effectively brush your pet’s teeth

定期刷牙是防止细菌和牙菌斑积聚的最好方法. 每天刷牙是最好的! 如果你的宠物不习惯在家做牙齿护理,慢慢地、逐步地介绍. 首先用手指轻轻地触摸它们的牙龈和牙齿,然后再使用宠物友好型牙刷,并使用大量的表扬和奖励来帮助形成积极的体验.

你也可以在宠物的牙齿上涂上一些宠物安全牙膏,向它们介绍牙齿护理. 即使不刷牙,牙膏也能杀死宠物嘴里的细菌. Just remember to never brush your pet’s teeth with human toothpaste, as it can contain ingredients that are 对宠物有毒.

Regular dental care not only helps prevent pain and discomfort, 但也可能有助于更长时间, 让宠物的生活更健康.

5. 保持耐心和一致性

向你的宠物介绍一个新的牙医程序需要耐心和一致性. 大多数宠物最初对刷牙的感觉都很抵触和不舒服, so give your pet time to acclimate to this new experience. With practice and consistency, brushing your pet’s teeth should get easier.

如果给你的宠物刷牙变得越来越不容易,咨询你的兽医. 他们通常会推荐新的技术,并提供替代传统方式给宠物刷牙的方法. 有些宠物对它们的嘴更敏感,而另一些可能更敏感 焦虑的气质.

6. Choose the right chew toys for your pet

某些玩具和咀嚼物,即使是在宠物店出售的,对宠物来说也不一定安全. Anything that’s too hard could damage your pet’s teeth, and products made of stiff plastic are also more likely to shatter. Those sharp fragments pose serious risks when swallowed, 包括窒息, internal bleeding and intestinal blockages. 柔软的和橡胶的玩具不那么容易破裂,所以选择更弯曲和有延展性的玩具.

7. Supplement regular brushing with dental 咀嚼 and products

While nothing is as effective as regular brushing, 有相当多的产品可以帮助促进狗和猫的良好牙齿卫生. 咀嚼可以帮助你的宠物自然清洁牙齿,去除牙菌斑. 对于狗来说,像恶霸棒这样的全天然咀嚼物对保持狗的牙齿健康很有帮助. Cats generally don’t chew on toys the same way dogs do, so look for chew toys that you can stuff or infuse with catnip!

If you’re unable to regularly brush your pet’s teeth, 考虑使用牙齿湿巾, 对待, 咀嚼, 专门设计的抗细菌和减少斑块形成的饮食和水添加剂. 一如既往地, 在给宠物的牙齿护理添加新东西之前,先和你的兽医谈谈.

Small pets are more likely to develop dental problems, 因此,考虑使用额外的策略和产品来加强宠物的牙齿护理. 当谈到宠物牙病时,预防比任何治疗都更好,更有效!

8. 投资宠物牙科pp王者电子官网

拥有健康牙齿和牙龈的宠物仍然容易受到意外的牙齿损伤和疾病. 如上所述, 牙周病不易检测,可导致更严重的疾病,如心脏和肾脏疾病. 但是对于Trupanion 宠物pp王者电子官网 your pet can get the dental care they need, when they need it.

Cost varies depending on the particular pet and their risks, 获得宠物pp王者电子官网报价可以让你更好地了解会发生什么. 值得注意的是, to reduce the risk of pre-existing conditions not being covered, 参加宠物健康pp王者电子官网计划的最佳时机总是越早越好.

了解更多关于 狗和猫的宠物pp王者电子官网 以及它如何帮助宠物主人给他们毛茸茸的爱人最好的兽医护理.

宠物pp王者电子官网产品在美国由美国宠物pp王者电子官网公司和ZPICpp王者电子官网公司承保, 6100 - 4号大街. 西雅图,华盛顿州98108. Administered by Trupanion Managers USA, Inc. (CA license编号. 0g22803, NPN 9588590). 条款和条件适用,见 完整的政策 详情请访问Trupanion网站.

状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company, 其子公司及附属公司, neither offer nor are financially responsible for 宠物pp王者电子官网 products. 状态 Farm®是一个独立的实体,不隶属于Trupanion或American 宠物pp王者电子官网.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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